We are proud to announce the reintroduction of Hills Off Road RC Club Championship for 2024.
The club championship rounds are to be held on the following club race meeting dates throughout 2024:
· 5th May
· 2nd June
· 7th July
· 4th August
· 1st September
· 3rd November
· 1st December
Class champions to be awarded:
· Junior 2wd Stock Buggy Champion (to compete in 2wd Stock)
· Junior 4wd Stock Buggy Champion (to compete in 4wd Stock)
· 2wd Stock Buggy Champion
· 4wd Stock Buggy Champion
· 2wd Modified Buggy Champion
· 4wd Modified Buggy Champion
Presentation to championship winners to be conducted at the last club race meeting of the year to be held on 15th December 2024.
Join the club at following link: https://www.hillsoffroadrc.com/membership-application
Competitors must be a financial member of the club to be eligible to score points towards the cub championship. If a competitor joins the club part way through the championship, the competitor will only be eligible to score points for rounds competed at after the date of becoming a club member.
Club day standard format:
· 2 x 5 minute qualifiers with fastest single qualifier (rocket round), counts towards finals starting position
· 3 x 5 minute A finals with best two results counting for overall finishing position for the event
Entry raffle prizes:
· 2 x 2wd Buggy Kits
· Each club member gets one entry per club meeting. Raffle ticket to be completed at race control at check-in at each event.
· Raffle to be drawn at last club race meeting of the year to be held on 15th December 2024
Points system awarded on overall final finishing position per event:
Position | Points | Position | Points |
1st | 60 | 26th | 25 |
2nd | 56 | 27th | 24 |
3rd | 52 | 28th | 23 |
4th | 49 | 29th | 22 |
5th | 47 | 30th | 21 |
6th | 45 | 31st | 20 |
7th | 44 | 32nd | 19 |
8th | 43 | 33rd | 18 |
9th | 42 | 34th | 17 |
10th | 41 | 35th | 16 |
11th | 40 | 36th | 15 |
12th | 39 | 37th | 14 |
13th | 38 | 38th | 13 |
14th | 37 | 39th | 12 |
15th | 36 | 40th | 11 |
16th | 35 | 41st | 10 |
17th | 34 | 42nd | 9 |
18th | 33 | 43rd | 8 |
19th | 32 | 44th | 7 |
20th | 31 | 45th | 6 |
21st | 30 | 46th | 5 |
22nd | 29 | 47th | 4 |
23rd | 28 | 48th | 3 |
24th | 27 | 49th | 2 |
25th | 26 | 50th and beyond | 1 |
Bonus points per event:
· Top Qualifier = 2 points
· Hot Lap (for the day) = 1 point
· Grand Slam (TQ + Hot Lap + 1st for the event by single driver) = 2 points
Competing points:
· Per round competed = 10 points (to be classed as competing, you must face the start of at least one qualifier or final to be eligible for these points)
Championship point score:
· Event points consist of finishing points + any bonus points awarded
· Best 6 of 7 events points count towards the championship
· All competing points awarded count towards the championship
· Class champion awarded to the competitor who scores the highest points
· Tie-breaks to be settled by the highest number of higher event finishing positions
· Any event cancelled due to rain etc. will not be re-run. Championship will then be shortened by a round and 1 dropped event points will still be implemented. For example, if only 5 events run, the best 4 rounds will count for event points. All competing points earned are still to be counted
